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This will be a place to share my ethical meat raising concept with my friends. As I develop the site more info on all aspects will be added, at the moment I will be collecting images and thoughts. 

Living in the country, raising children to be aware and respectful of their environment. Keeping animals felt like a natural progression: first the obligatory stray cat, our first baby. Then the kids and then of course we had to get a dog, a black lab called Tuppence. Along the way we got chickens. Because it nice to have your own eggs.
And that's when trouble started!

We got a rooster, "because he is such a pretty boy and shouldn't end up in the pot".
Surprise, surprise, guess what we had pretty soon after? Baby chicks! And - as I was to learn in the next years - there's always more roosters than hens in the clutches. But one only really needs one rooster to look after quite a few hens.

So I learned to dispatch roosters. Thanks to the internet and an amazing lifestyle block forum, for helping me - nearly in real time - to do the job.

As if little kids and chooks weren't enough of a challenge, I decided to get goats. Because, you know, fresh eggs are perfectly complimented by home made cheese and fresh milk!
And while I was at it - and already had written off going on a holiday for the foreseeable future - I got a couple of rabbits as well.

Constructive criticism welcome 

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